These are general points which have caused contention in our games, and
which cannot easily be resolved by reference to the rules. These
solutions are not claimed to be "official" by any means, but
can serve as a common information base.
Submunitions have a single arc, and do require a firecon per ship target.
AA megabattery
An AA battery that overloads does not do damage on the shot on which it
overloads. It may, however, be repaired by damage control.
Cloaking and FTL
Ships may not enter or leave FTL while cloaked.
Movement orders
The codes I use when writing movement orders are:
+ - | Increase or decrease speed |
P S | Turn to Port or Starboard |
F | Launch Fighters |
L | Lay mines |
M | Launch Missiles |
J | Engage FTL (Jump) |
Any more?
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