1. Introduction
This is, as always, only a very basic system.
1.1. Credits
Created with reference to points systems by:
- Mitch Berdinka and Phil Pournelle http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/maldives/738/rules/cost.html
- "Angst Boy" http://home.earthlink.net/~angstboy/Stargrunt/mercs.htm
- Owen Glover (?) http://www.netspace.net.au/~sneakin/expansion/e_points.htm
1.2. Rounding
Round all costs to the nearest integer, up on 0.5.
1.3. Omitted factors
Some factors have been omitted from this system: these are confidence and mission motivation. The author feels that these are better dealt with by scenario setup.
2. Figure cost
Each figure's cost is the sum of several elements:
2.1. Mobility
The mobility cost of a figure on foot or in powered armour equals 10 * the base movement rate.
Add to the standard mobility types:
Type | Base movement | Cost |
Motorised Infantry (HMWV) | 12" | 150 |
Jump infantry (Hover/GEV) | 12" | 240 |
Bounce infantry (Grav) | 12" | 280 |
Jump or bounce infantry may use powered armour; motorised may not. The combat move die for all these type is (d12x2).
2.2. Armour
The armour cost of a figure equals 10 * the die size for conventional armour, or 20 * the die size for powered armour (taking account of medical bonuses, sealed environment, etc.).
2.3. Weapon and troop quality
The quality and weapon status of a figure are combined. The base cost of a weapon equals its firepower die size (or guidance, if appropriate) plus its impact die size.
If the weapon is restricted to close-range only, subtract 25% of its cost at this point.
If the weapon gives a close-assault bonus, add its close-assault shifts to the firepower+impact figure.
If the trooper has no ranged weapons, his "weapon cost" must be at least 5 points.
Weapons with restricted ammunition are no cheaper than standard weapons; this is a system for balancing one-off games, after all.
Multiply this value by the quality die size of the trooper.
2.4. Special abilities
Multiple special abilities may be given to a single trooper; but this makes him a bigger target...
Ability | Cost |
Medic | 100 |
Forward Observer | 200 |
Orbital Liaison | 300 |
EW basic | 400 |
EW enhanced | 500 |
EW superior | 700 |
Sniper | 500 |
3. Squad cost
Add the cost of each trooper in the squad, and designate one of them as a leader. (The same applies to single figures.) Also add 10 * the sensor die level (at least d4, unless you plan to field blind troops).
3.1. Leadership
Leadership | Cost |
3 | 0.75 |
2 | 1.5 |
1 | 3 |
Multiply the cost of the leader by the cost of the most expensive unit he directly controls. (For a squad leader, this is the cost of the most expensive trooper; for a company leader, the most expensive squad; etc. Do not count off-table assets in this calculation, but do include individual figures who are not subunit leaders - snipers, for example - if they are under the direct control of this leader.)
Note that the company leader will normally be the same person as the leader of the company command squad, and must therefore have the same leadership level - though the two leadership capabilities (company and squad) must be bought separately.
4. Other elements
4.1. Artillery and Ortillery
The cost of an on-call artillery battery is the product of several factors:
Type | Cost |
Company level | 20 |
Batallion level | 15 |
Regimental level | 10 |
Delay | Cost |
1 turn | 4 |
2 turns | 3 |
3 turns | 2 |
Normally these two factors are linked; regimental-level artillery is usually 3 turns away. However, ortillery must always be bought with a 3-turn delay.
Size | Cost |
3" | 5 |
4" | 8 |
6" | 18 |
10" | 50 |
Rounds per fire mission | Cost |
1 | 3 |
2 | 4 |
3 | 5 |
5. Examples
5.1. Rifle squad
Eight troopers, seven with L7A3 rifles, one with an L5 SAW.
A standard (blue) rifleman will cost:
Cost | Reason |
60 | Basic foot mobility |
60 | Standard d6 armour |
104 | (10+3) for weapon x 8 for quality |
224 | Total |
The SAW gunner will cost:
Cost | Reason |
60 | Basic foot mobility |
60 | Standard d6 armour |
144 | (8+10) for weapon x 8 for quality |
264 | Total |
Therefore the leaderless squad costs (224*7 + 264) = 1832 points; add basic electronic sensor capability for 60 points. The most expensive trooper is 264 points; therefore a level-2 leader will cost 1.5*264=396 points, for a total squad cost of 2288 points.
5.2. Powered-armour squad
Six troopers, four with L41 rifles, one with an L6P SAW and one with an L18P GMS. Assume veteran (orange) quality throughout.
The GP suits cost:
Cost | Reason |
120 | Fast PA mobility |
240 | d12 power armour |
130 | (10+3) for weapon x 10 for quality |
490 | Total |
The SAW gunner will cost:
Cost | Reason |
120 | Fast PA mobility |
240 | d12 power armour |
200 | (10+10) for weapon x 10 for quality |
560 | Total |
The GMS gunner will cost:
Cost | Reason |
120 | Fast PA mobility |
240 | d12 power armour |
200 | (8+12) for weapon x 10 for quality |
560 | Total |
Therefore the leaderless squad costs (490*4 + 560 + 560) + 80 (enhanced electronic sensors) = 3160 points. The most expensive trooper is 560 points; therefore a level-2 leader will cost 1.5*560=840 points, for a total squad cost of 4000 points.
5.3. Rifle company
Assume a company composed of three rifle squads and one PA squad. Base cost is 2288*3+4000=10864; a level-2 leader costs 1.5*4000=6000 points, for a total of 16864.
5.4. Standard NAC Sniper
Cost | Reason |
60 | Basic foot mobility |
60 | Standard d6 armour |
160 | (12+8) for weapon x 8 for quality |
500 | Sniper capability |
780 | Total |
Base cost is 780; level-2 leadership costs 1.5 times this, or 1170 points, and advanced electronic sensors cost 80, for a total of 2030 points.
5.5. Elite HAMR Sniper
Cost | Reason |
60 | Basic foot mobility |
60 | Standard d6 armour |
384 | (8+12*2) for weapon x 12 for quality |
500 | Sniper capability |
200 | Forward-observer capability |
1204 | Total |
Base cost is 1204; level-1 leadership costs 3 times this, or 3612 points, and superior electronic sensors cost 100, for a total of 4916 points. (But he's probably worth it.)
5.6. On-call mortar section
Factor | Reason |
20 | Company-level asset |
4 | 1-turn delay (i.e. instant) |
5 | 3" burst radius |
5 | 3 rounds per fire mission |
2000 | total cost |