FireStats for Unreal Tournament
FireStats is a log-file processor for Unreal Tournament, written in
perl. It serves as a replacement for the ngStats package that ships
with Unreal Tournament.
You can see output from firestats
here and
Download firestats here.
You'll also need the Config::IniFiles and GD modules from CPAN.
To use:
- Put all the log files you want to process in a directory, which
I'll call INDIR.
- Pick an output directory, which must exist; I'll call it OUTDIR.
- (Optional) Set up a map-preview directory. This should contain PNG
images for levels, 256x256 (I usually export the MyLevel.Screenshot
texture), named the same as the level.
- (Optional) Do the same for player previews, 128x128 PNGs in this
- Edit the INDIR/firestats.ini file. This works like a standard
Windows .ini file, with three sections:
- [path] - set general= to the path with the two supplied png files,
map= and player= to the paths with map and player images.
- [url] - for any player with a homepage, set nick=url - this
will only work if there's a character picture.
- [alias] - if people have played under different names, set
oldname=newname to replace them.
- Run firestat with command-line parameters:
- -i INDIR
- -s if you want to include levels with only one human player
- -b if you want to generate pages for bots as well as for human
- Enjoy your stats page!